# Strutured Data
# Overview
Parcel offers a secure and auditable relational database for users familiar with SQL (opens new window). In this tutorial, we will guide you through creating a database and table on Parcel, uploading data, and processing queries using the Parcel SDK.
# Creating a Database
To create a database, we simply call the Parcel's createDatabase() method. Let's say we want to collect ongoing security concerns on a blockchain network, we can:
const name = 'Blockchain Security Database';
const database = await parcel.createDatabase({ name });
console.log(`Created database ${database.id} with name: ${database.name}`);
Created database S5TqfEsXtwP4feyuMpDH9gy with name: Blockchain Security Database
After creating a database, the database owner can:
- update the database name
- transfer ownership of the database to another
- perform common SQL operations on the database
- delete the database
# Creating a Table
You can create a table by issuing a database query. Suppose we want to add a table of known concerning transactions on our network, we can flexibly store information in a standardized manner using JSON columns:
const create = {
sql: 'CREATE TABLE threat_intels (wallet TEXT, intel JSON, time DATETIME, severity INTEGER)',
params: {},
await parcel.queryDatabase(database.id, create);
# Uploading and Retrieving Data
Now that we have created a threat_intels
table, we can rows of data by issuing
let insert = {
sql: 'INSERT INTO threat_intels VALUES ($wallet, $intel, $time, $severity)',
params: {
$wallet: '0x1234',
$intel: { event: 'transfer', value: 9999 },
$time: new Date(),
$severity: 3,
await parcel.queryDatabase(database.id, insert);
Note that the query contains placeholders starting with $
in place of query
parameters. We list parameters separately as keys inside the params
field when
issuing this query. Declaring params consistently will help us keep our code
organized and reusable. To prevent SQL injections (opens new window),
Parcel will automatically escape the parameters' values.
You can view rows of stored data inside a table via a SELECT
query. To get
all stored threat_intels
const select = {
sql: 'SELECT * FROM threat_intels WHERE severity = $severity',
params: {
$severity: 3,
const results = await parcel.queryDatabase(database.id, select);
console.log(`Result row ${JSON.stringify(results[0])}`);
# Granting Access
Similar to documents, you can share your Parcel database with other users, or identities, on the Oasis platform. This allows multiple identities to upload data and issue queries to the same database.
Suppose we want to grant full access to our database with an app from the Acme
Inc. company, we can store the app's identity
inside the ACME_APP_ID
environment variable, and create a grant in the following way:
await parcel.createGrant({
grantee: process.env.ACME_APP_ID as AppId,
condition: {
'database.id': {
$eq: database.id,
To learn more about the conditions under which an identity
can access you
data in Parcel, refer to the grants language
chapter and the advanced grants example.
# Supported Features
# SQL Language
We maintain support for normal CRUD (opens new window) operations and the creation of indices on Structured Data database tables.
# Datatypes
A database can support tables with the following datatypes:
- Integer
- Real
- Text
- Blob
- Json
- Date
- DateTime
The full Node.js code that creates a database, table, and a grant is available in the Parcel Examples repository.