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Type aliases


InputDocumentSpec: { id: DocumentId; mountPath: string }

Input document for a compute job.

Type declaration

  • id: DocumentId

    ID of the document to mount.

  • mountPath: string

    Path where the input document will be mounted inside the job. Interpreted relative to /parcel/data/in.


JobId: Opaque<ResourceId, "JobId">


JobIo: { accessedDocuments: DocumentId[]; outputDocuments: OutputDocument[] }

Type declaration

  • accessedDocuments: DocumentId[]

    Documents that were accessed by the job. Includes both the prespecified JobSpec.input_documents as well as any dynamically accessed documents.

  • outputDocuments: OutputDocument[]

    Documents that were generated by the job and uploaded by the Parcel Worker.


JobSpec: { cmd: string[]; cpus?: number; env?: Record<string, string>; image: string; inputDocuments?: InputDocumentSpec[]; memory?: string; name: string; networkPolicy?: NetworkPolicy; outputDocuments?: OutputDocumentSpec[] }

A specification/manifest for the job. This is a complete description of what and how the job should run.

Type declaration

  • cmd: string[]

    The command-line arguments to the command that should be run to start the job. This corresponds to CMD in Docker terminology; note that images running on Parcel are required to have a non-empty ENTRYPOINT, so the actual command that runs will be the concatenation of ENTRYPOINT and this field.

  • Optional cpus?: number

    The (fractional) number of cpus requested to run the job. This is clamped by a per-worker maximum.

  • Optional env?: Record<string, string>

    Environment variables to use when running the image. Setting PATH is not allowed.

  • image: string

    The name of the docker image to use, optionally prefixed with an image repository hostname. See docker pull documentation for a full description of allowable formats.

  • Optional inputDocuments?: InputDocumentSpec[]

    Documents to download and mount into the job's container before cmd runs. If any of these documents do not exist or you do not have permission to access them, the job will fail.

  • Optional memory?: string

    The amount of memory requested to run the job. This is clamped by a per-worker maximum. Memory limit (format: []). Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of M or G. Minimum is 4M.

  • name: string

    A human-readable name for the job. Intended to help with monitoring and debugging. The name SHOULD be unique among jobs submitted by the same user.

  • Optional networkPolicy?: NetworkPolicy

    IP addresses (or CIDR-style masks) to which a job can open a connection during execution, e.g., or 2001:db9::/64.

  • Optional outputDocuments?: OutputDocumentSpec[]

    Files to be uploaded from the job's container as documents after cmd runs. Files that do not exist will be silently skipped; the job will not fail.


JobStatus: { message?: string; phase: JobPhase }

Type declaration

  • Optional message?: string

    A human readable message indicating details about why the pod is in this condition.

  • phase: JobPhase


ListJobsFilter: { inputOwner?: IdentityId; submitter?: IdentityId }

Filters for specifying the subset of jobs to be listed/fetched.

Type declaration

  • Optional inputOwner?: IdentityId

    Selects jobs that accessed documents owned by this identity.

  • Optional submitter?: IdentityId

    Selects jobs that were submitted by this identity.


NetworkPolicy: { egress?: NetworkPolicyPeer[]; parcelApiAccess?: boolean }

The set of rules that define how a job is allowed to communicate with various network entities.

Type declaration


NetworkPolicyPeer: { cidr: string }

Network entities defined by CIDR-style masks.

Type declaration

  • cidr: string


OutputDocument: { id: DocumentId; mountPath: string }

An output document produced in the context of running a job.

Type declaration


OutputDocumentSpec: { mountPath: string; owner?: IdentityId }

Specification for a compute job for outputting a document.

Type declaration

  • mountPath: string

    Path to the file that should be uploaded as an output document. Interpreted relative to /parcel/data/out.

  • Optional owner?: IdentityId

    Owner to assign to the output document.


PODJob: Readonly<PODModel & { id: JobId; io: JobIo; spec: JobSpec; status?: JobStatus }>


PODJobStatusReport: Readonly<PODModel & { id: JobId; status: JobStatus }>

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